Awe wow...

Hi. First of all let me say how pleased I am that I can contact you directly to tell you these things personally. I believe it is in my own good interest to be as honest with myself as possible, and not only that - but I also believe that in this case my honesty can have a double-benefit, because I believe it to be all positive - what I am about to say...

I am a man, and I was born a man. I am 29 years old. So far, I have had several girlfriends in my life, the last of which was about seven years ago. Since then, I have been heavily sedated on drugs of all kinds, I believe I have been hiding from my true self... because it is only lately, in the past year or two years, that I have become awake to my gay side. I am no gay. I love women. But I have only recently begun to realize just to what extent I also love men, and it just may be that YOU, sir, are one of the finest examples of hard-man I have ever laid my eyes upon.

I have yet to be with a man, but as I fantasize about these things, I find myself much more attracted to the idea of being with YOU sir... I find you so masculine, so dominant, so beautiful - and YET you seem to retain the BEST of BOTH WORLDS (and although perhaps many people when they say these words have in their minds the intention of the cliche of you having a pussy - this is not what I mean - but I mean your gentle way of carrying yourself... ) I mean you are Tough, but not a brute. You are strong, but not crude. You are dominant and powerful, yet do not reek of decadence as do most poweful icons... Quite the opposite - I believe you have managed to be something not only completely new - but also arousing, exciting, and extremely LOVABLE in my own little gay fashion - in a completely new way. I can't believe how much love I could find myself throwing at you, giving you - succumbing to you.

Perhaps you might be turned off by my throwing myself at your feet like this... but I am doing so because I believe it is the fair thing to do - because my entire life I have been hiding from my homosexual side - and you sir - have managed to get me EVEN CLOSER to it. If there is anything I wish I could do - it is get to know you, just so I could love you as I feel I already do SO much.

Wow, man... You are so amazing, I am simply gobsmacked... awe-stricken, jaw-dropped...
Really, the way you emphasize the beautiful parts of masculinity - I simply take my hat off, and if you were to say a word - the rest of my attire... ^_^

Just in case you wonder how I look -
also quite a few pictures of mine in

I guess that's all I can say so far...
I wish I'll get to meet you someday... and a lot more... wow...

I respect you so much!

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