Being in communciation

Buck, I didn't get a chance to really say Good Night to you on Saturday, however I am pretty clear that as we spoke on Saturday got, from me what a pleasure it was meeting you and what a privilege it was to have the opportunity to have such a wonderful conversation with you.

There is one thing I am clear of, that in the future.... you can I will continue our conversation again, I am not sure how, where or when...but I am clear of that.

There are so many other conversation I would love to engage with you have opened up some new areas for me to explore and consider and I am so grateful for that.

One of the greatest things I have distinguished about who I that my life is an on going opportunity for training.
What I mean by that is... to train myself in what it is to be extraordinary.
One of the ways I have discovered to have that be to surround myself with extraordinary people and have extraordinary conversations with those people.

The great thing about extraordinary people is that they are up to things that are not just are one of those people and I am compelled to know you!

What I have distinguished about extraordinary people is that we are ultimately here to make a difference in the world and although we do different things...our commitments are based in making that difference for others.

On Sunday I began to explore your websites a little more in depth...I am excited to explore this more...I am most excited to begin to explore your videos... I noticed also that in April you are scheduled to return to Toronto....and if that is indeed so, I would love to meet with you to continue our conversation.

My work often has me traveling in Europe and lately to London. In the future, I will make a point to keep a tab on where you are preforming and perhaps one day I will see you preform in the UK.

Once again thank you...for opening up your heart and being so authentic with me and creating a space for me and others to see just who we really are.

Buck until we speak again...

Be great!!!

Being in a movie with you...

hi hot buck

if you are ever doing a pornflick in the netherlands, belgium or germany.. let me know.. would love to be in it..


Hi Buck, hows it going.

I think your videos are one of a kind! So what is it like to be a man with a pussy. Which bathroom do you use? If I could get a full body picture of you that woul be pretty cool.
So bye


Well i have just discovered you
- god knows where i have been hiding!!

And i am sending your link to a simular guy that i also have sex with here in Melbourne who still has a very nice pussy to play with!! YUM!!!

If you ever need a skin to work you over let me
and i will sign up to your site, got to support a hot fella like you

tks for the cock hardening start to my morning!!!

Smitten Kitten Bday Bash

Smitten Kitten in Minn. invited me to celebrate with them for their 6th bday! They were the very first store in the USA to have the balls to carry my very first DVD. After that we formed a great relationship. They started around the same time that i did and we have seen each other grow leaps and bounds.

My trip started with an early flight from Mexico to be picked up by Clare at the airport. That is always cool when you don’t have to take a cab. Then off to eat and check into my hotel. I rested for about an hour then she picked me up for my first night at the Kitten. I did a talk about my life in the porn business, How I started and some of my background. Then I opened it up to a Q & A. I had a packed house which is always nice. They really support my work there and you can feel it by the great energy people gave off. These are pics from that first night at the shop.

Me Speaking

Me Speaking

The Crowd

The Crowd

The next night I did a DVD signing for my new release ULTIMATE FUCKING CLUB it was the world premiere of the film and we showed it while everyone just mingled. I signed lots of DVDs and posters.

My Stuff!

My Stuff!

Clare and Alison THE BEST!!

Clare and Alison THE BEST!!

Now I am on day three and non stop between going to the gym with Clare everyday. She was so nice to pick me up and take me. I freak out if I miss the gym..So now it’s saturday night and I have to do my BDSM performance. I had two really great guys show up to perform with me and we practiced only the day of but we all had great energy together it worked out. Alison was nice enogh to use her camera to catch some of it.

Please support my friends at Smitten Kitten


Buck Angel

Awe wow...

Hi. First of all let me say how pleased I am that I can contact you directly to tell you these things personally. I believe it is in my own good interest to be as honest with myself as possible, and not only that - but I also believe that in this case my honesty can have a double-benefit, because I believe it to be all positive - what I am about to say...

I am a man, and I was born a man. I am 29 years old. So far, I have had several girlfriends in my life, the last of which was about seven years ago. Since then, I have been heavily sedated on drugs of all kinds, I believe I have been hiding from my true self... because it is only lately, in the past year or two years, that I have become awake to my gay side. I am no gay. I love women. But I have only recently begun to realize just to what extent I also love men, and it just may be that YOU, sir, are one of the finest examples of hard-man I have ever laid my eyes upon.

I have yet to be with a man, but as I fantasize about these things, I find myself much more attracted to the idea of being with YOU sir... I find you so masculine, so dominant, so beautiful - and YET you seem to retain the BEST of BOTH WORLDS (and although perhaps many people when they say these words have in their minds the intention of the cliche of you having a pussy - this is not what I mean - but I mean your gentle way of carrying yourself... ) I mean you are Tough, but not a brute. You are strong, but not crude. You are dominant and powerful, yet do not reek of decadence as do most poweful icons... Quite the opposite - I believe you have managed to be something not only completely new - but also arousing, exciting, and extremely LOVABLE in my own little gay fashion - in a completely new way. I can't believe how much love I could find myself throwing at you, giving you - succumbing to you.

Perhaps you might be turned off by my throwing myself at your feet like this... but I am doing so because I believe it is the fair thing to do - because my entire life I have been hiding from my homosexual side - and you sir - have managed to get me EVEN CLOSER to it. If there is anything I wish I could do - it is get to know you, just so I could love you as I feel I already do SO much.

Wow, man... You are so amazing, I am simply gobsmacked... awe-stricken, jaw-dropped...
Really, the way you emphasize the beautiful parts of masculinity - I simply take my hat off, and if you were to say a word - the rest of my attire... ^_^

Just in case you wonder how I look -
also quite a few pictures of mine in

I guess that's all I can say so far...
I wish I'll get to meet you someday... and a lot more... wow...

I respect you so much!



I have deliberately avoided offering any hardcore porn for sale, and while I will eventually have a very few rude pictures in my gallery for advertising purposes, I will keep these solo, and to the minimum level needed so show the type of body on offer for those who may still be confused about the MtF/FtM thing. The sole reason I have avoided experimenting with the porn aspect of sex work is that I have no wish at all to infringe on your business. The difference between porn and "hands-on" sex work is a pretty big one, so I am surprised you feel I am competing with you in any way. I am very sorry to have caused any offense.

As a longtime sex worker, who had until recently had to mainly work "stealth" because of a lack of awareness/interest in FtMs, I feel a vast amount of gratitude to you for beginning to create a market for FtM sex workers. The publicity and awareness you have generated for yourself filters down to the rest of us. No good business will last forever without being copied, and yours is no exception, but it won't be me that's the next sucessful FtM porn star- thats not what I'm trying to do here at all!

I was deighted to find that was available. Of course I see the similarity with your own domain name, and of course I want to reach those people who are fans of your work and would like to try out some of the things they have seen in your films. I would not insult your intelligence by suggesting otherwise. I apologise if this has caused offence. As far as I am aware you do not offer any of the services that I do, and in my experience, sex and porn do not compete with each other- indeed they compliment each other so well that many people like to enjoy both at once! I had assumed that if you had wanted the UK version of this domain you would have registered it yourself- it was not expensive. If you now feel that it is important for you to have the domain I will give it to you- let me know..

In the mean time, will edit your link as requested.

Armistead book

Wow, Buck! I went on holiday to France - after you showed up on UK daytime TV - and you're right there in the middle of Armistead Maupin's Michael Tolliver Lives!! I almost dropped the book into my croissants when I read it! Ha ha! That's amazing!

Oh, and did you get a copy of the Butt magazine piece? Want me to send it? To you or your manager?

Are you someone i use to know who lived in Washington d.c. ?

Hello Buck!
I use to know a ftm who worked at the leather rack who looked like you. I was just wondering if you were the same person. If not you look good and wow!! You opened my eyes to something different. If you are this person i am glad to see you are doing just fine and finding your way through life. I am a Native American Ts.

Another FTM here :)

Hi Buck,

Saw you on a tv programme and found your website.
I'm a 22 year old ftm. Had metoidioplasty done 1,5 years ago.
Just want to say that I admire your guts to be so open about your
identity and body. Do you not find it hard without lower surgery? I
couldn't wait for my metoid. However you feel, I really admire your
guts. You're a strong man!



i. from México, i writte in spanish, becouse i don't wanna express by myself in wrong way, please.. translate to english. please!!!

Soy mexicano, homosexual de 34 años, ví un especial onde sales en la tv Howard Stern y en una actitud MUY VALIENTE, y en un estado de ánimo muy TRANQUILO, CALMADO, y con MUCHO TEMPLE, demostraste lo que eres ante el mirar atónito de personas que en mi muy personal punto de vista no entendieron nada, fuiste un completo CABALLERO, y UN VERDADERO VARON, al demostrar ACTITUD, TEMPLE Y SEGURIDAD.

Sinceramente tu seguridad se refleja, aunque yo pienso que en ese programa de plano fueron muy groceros contígo, yo habia buscado información de tí, por mirar una página de transexuales, y creo que tu actitud es muy valiente, ya que yo como homosexual, admito la tenacidad de una persona como tú, que no es ninguna caricatura de un hombre, y como dices estas orgulloso de tu vagina, y creo que eso te da la seguridad.

Vi un video tuyo, muy fuerte hablando en escenas sexuales, pero creo que como tú mismo dices, eres el primero en hacer ese tipo de pornografia, que para mi es excelente.

Te puedo decir que yo al ser homosexual no pienso en la transexualidad como una opcion ya que me gusto como varon, y que como varon te puedo decir que eres un hombre muy atractivo, muy carismático, que !!!wow¡¡¡ luces excelente, independientemente de tu muy buen cuerpo, es la actitud de tu persona la que sobresale de, digamóslo así, la testosterona que llevas dentro..., sinceramente me caíste muy bien.!!!


P.D. como hombre, eres muy guapo.. te lo dice otro varon que gusta de varones.. y te veo como eso como otro varon.



Just came across your site and am truly amazed. I'm not sure if you've ever thought of this, but if YOU got pregnant, you would be a fucking millionaire! A man (who by all appearances IS a man) with a uterus and ovaries, carrying a child ... (because, of course you are genetically female and still have all your "girl parts") Holy shit ...

Anyway, I wanted to say "hi" and I think you're amazing. (I'm a genetic female and I can honestly say I have never seen something like this before. I have seen many M to F transexuals, but never F to M.) Do you plan to have surgery (down below) to complete your transformation at some point?

Have a great day!

Alex from UK.

Hey Buck! Just wanted to say you are SUCH a huge hero to me. I'm a teenage FTM and I'm comfortable in my masculinity even though I don't look it but people give me shit for it. I think you're so amazing for standing up and being exactly who you want to be no matter what people think and being so secure in your body and achieving how you always dreamed of looking! You make me feel like there's always hope and you even make me feel proud to be trans rather than a biological guy. Thank you so much, you're incredble. Keep up the good work man! x



You of course don't know me and you are getting this email as a result of your work as a porn star. I've loved all the small trailers you have done. I also listened to your interviews as many as I could find.

I'm impressed and you made me cry. Cry with that special kind of joy/grief, relief that comes with self acceptance and love.
You are the first sexual images of myself that I have ever had. I was starting to wonder if I will ever be with anyone again since I came out. I'm having a harder time crying at all since I started T in Nov. and I"m pre-op, but your work did it man.

I"m FTM, and I'm old. 47. It took me that long to figure it out with all the 'help' I got, besides the other issues that are part of figuring things out for me and where I came from. My dad drank too. Since he has died, I have had much better conversations and he comes in my dreams, I think helping me out in my transition. I grew up with him, riding motorcycles and taking them apart and back together again. It was cool to hear that your dad supports you and celebrates you!!

I've sent your interview with Ian Harvie to my girlfriend who has been going into struggles over my coming out.
We've been together for 13 years, raised my nephew who came to us at age 9 and is now 21 and grown up.
She isn't ready to see my 'clit' pics, since it has been growing.
I've been in Seattle for the last 2 1/2 years studying acupuncture, but this transition was part of the struggles I was having at the school, that led to me not making it. It was an intense program that I as a person I needed more support, but wasn't getting it.
They wanted me to be more professional. Whatever that meant. Basically, later, they tell me that I needed to shave my small beard, that is just a part of me, and I don't think about it. So, I was dealing with some discrimination there.
Well, that's why I'm here and my partner is still in Alaska. Where I want to be, if we can work out our transition .

It helps if I'm home for sure, but as it is, I'm in Seattle getting good support.

Anyway, the interview has been really helpful to her.

How it affected me seeing a model of someone who is proud of who they are!!! And Trans!!, was to really turn a curve that I couldn't see that was in the road.
I have been going to the group at Ingersoll, and I haven't heard any of this kind of pride that you have shared. This is all on top of my meeting a really cool mtf. She really is awesome, She has been doing spiritual work for the last 30 years and has been honored and respected by the Native people who she is in relationship with. Her name is Finicia and she is really beautiful.

I mention her becasue there are very few people who do honor trans people. But she honors herself, and that was beautiful to see.

I now can love my pussy, well, even more! I see that I can still be the man I am and be proud, not letting anyone f*k with me. I've known a long time that penis and clits are basically the same, but the clit is more spread out throughout the pelvic floor and vagina.
Like a grasshopper! So, I'm in total agreement with you. I don't want no-one messing with my clit! I hope that mine can grow of course:-)

I am so inspired by your work, and I'm in a hiatus in my work, that I am seriously considering the kind of work you are doing.
I see that this has been healing. I id as a healer, but of a deep natured kind. This culture needs a lot of healing,
I like sex too, I'm not too shy, I think I can do it. But, it will have to wait some time. I still need to go through the transition, grow some hair, work on my muscular, get official. It will come.

I'll order some of your films as soon as I can afford them, meanwhile, I'm spreading the word.

Thank you very much!. May you be well blessed in your friends and family,

"I am selfish, impatient, and a little unpredictable. I make mistakes, sometimes I am out of control, and at times a bit hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve my best." -adapted from a Marilyn Monroe quote

A REAL Man's Man.

I first heard about you by accident happened across you while net browsing one night. I have been absolutely amazed ever since. As time moves on and the crosseyed look very very very slowly simmers down on trans-sexual people, its wonderful to see someone so secure and happy with themself. We are told as children we can be anything we want to be all we have to do is try our best, and to live our lives to the best and happiest we can. YOU have done just that. Don't ever look back look to the stars cause that truly is the limit for you!

A Lustfull fan HELP ME

hey Buck..... I'm a big fan and I have all your DVDs.. let me ask you a question. I love your PERVERT tatoo on your back. I'm getting ready to do the same one on my ass. I'm having trouble getting a printable version so my tatoo artist can put it on my ass. where can i go to get that? Also I've gotten T shirts off you web page.... But I really would like the option to get that PERVERT as it appears on your body on the back of a shirt and you need to add black sleeveless T's to the choices. Us muscle boys want to show off our other tatoos.... Your HOT and I cant get enough of you and your hot tatooed ass- FUCKING YUM- keep up the good work.....

A great pioneer

Hey Buck,

I was just watching a programme that you featured on (Sexcetera) which may be relatively old but that's not the point.

My point is that I think you have a great message about just being yourself. Being comfortable with who you are and enjoying yourself and your body.

Just wanted to say - good for you! I think you look great, come across so well and embody the ideal of being comfortable in your own skin.

That 70's Gay Porn Movie

In the exciting conclusion of That 70's Gay Porn Movie, Wooky makes Skip his horny bottom and the brothers have a massive orgy with loads of hot steamy cum.

A few moments of your time

I know this address is intended to elicit prospective performers, I wondered if I might ask you a few questions?
Are you attracted to men or women? Are men who find you attractive as a man put off by your lack of male endowment? I am fascinated by you and I think what you offer our sexual culture is fantastic and groudbreaking. I applaud your fearlessness.

A fan with a question regarding being in porn??

Hi Buck! I'm 21, And almost 8 months pregnant... 5'4, and 120lbs when im not pregnant. I have a really bubbley outgoing personality. I am from Somerset, KY. I have wanted to be in the porn business for a long time, I think it is something I would be good at. I have been doing it independantly for a little while now, I make videos of myself for this man I know who is 73 years old... he only pays me $75.00 each video, and I know that I am getting ripped off and that there is more money out there to be made from this type of work.. do you have any suggestions on how I can get into the professional side of porn? I am willing to try anything. And willing to begin Anytime. Thanks!!

A brand new fan of yours

hi ,a friend just told me of you,had to check you out ,WOW,i think you are an incredible turn on .your body is amazing ,im getting excited thinking of it. will be adding your dvd's to my collection .

Jessie From the Netherlands

Heey Buck,

Im Jessie(21) From the Netherlands,i saw you in the tv show from jensen,And the first thing i thought was maybe i can do that to,I really got respect for you because you made you're self in what you want to be.
Since child i always felt it too that i've got more boy than girl things on my mind.
i also work out a lot in the gym and really like sports.
I think we got a much in comen.
sorry for my bad-english,that's not my strongest side,but i hope you understand me well.
And i hope i can make the big stap that you made too,because over here i think most people wont accept it..
Nah if you like too write me back i really apriciate that because im a fan of you;):P

Secret Lives of Women #2

Hi Buck -

I'm not a gay man or a porn fan, but I think you are cool as hell!

Don't let the haters get you down.

Secret Lives of Women

I just wanted to tell you that I just saw the episode of "Secret Lives of Women". I want to commend you for telling your story. You are an amazing person and I wish you all the best!!!!