Hello from FTM UK

Hi Buck,
For a while now, I've been thinking about emailing you but I know how busy you are. But today I thought fuck it! Better off out my system and to share my story. Please don't worry, it's a good email :)
I have always admired you as a person. You do so much for people who are transgendered, who are gay/lesbian/bisexual and also for other charities and causes. A bit about myself. I'm 24, living in Brighton, UK. My dad is gay and I've known this since I was 12. Even though my parents are no longer together, they are still the best of friends and they are actually closer now then they were when they were still living together. My dad isn't open about his sexuality as his side of the family disagree with it and no one in his side of the family know. Yet now, he introduces his friends to my mum and my mum loves that! Myself and my sister have always been raised and told to accept people as their are, not what their are. And I still believe that. Especially now that I love in Brighton, which is known as UK's gay capital, I have met so many great and wonderful people and that's why I love Brighton (if you haven't been here, you definitely should in your next UK trip! You would love it and you will be greatly welcomed!).
My point in sharing my story and wanting to email you is to thank you personally for what you have done and continue to do. I have watched your films and some of them are quite naughty ;) I love all of your work - whether it's your films, photoshoots, media and press but also what you do for human rights and also animal rights. Not many people do that as a whole and you do such a great job of it.
Again, I hope you don't mind me emailing you as I know you're a busy man but like I said, I've always wanted to email you at some point and today is the day.
Thanks for everything you do darling.
Much love,

Greetings from Spain Buck!

Hi Buck! How are you? My congratulations for your wonderful website and your movies! Could I ask you a question? I'm a bisexual boy (23 years old) from Seville (Spain) I was wondering if you are "available" 4 real sexual contacts too. It would be a dream 4 me to make real sex with you but I understand I'm far far away from you and there could be complications... I wait 4 your response! Thank you so much and sorry If I disturbed you... byeeeeeeeeee

Greetings from Great Britain

Hi Buck,

I'm sure you get plenty of emails telling you this - well, clearly - but I thought I'd throw in my appreciation-cents too.

I am a transsexual gay male. I'm really in the early stages of transitioning - I haven't had a session with a therapist of any sort yet, apart from a screening with a psychotherapist (I'm transitioning care of the National Health Service here in Britain). Nevertheless, I've been 'out' and living as male for the most part among most of my family and friends since November of 2008. I've always had a dream to be a male model, though I really doubt I'm good looking enough, and I love the photos I've seen of you. It's been inspirational.

When I decided to transition, I had one major concern: "bottom" surgery. My problem was that I didn't like the options available or the possibility of losing sensation for something that just wasn't for me. I respect other transmen who have metoidio/phalloplasty, it's their choice, but I always get frustrated when they (or non-trans people) assume I'm also planning to have one of these surgeries. I dunno how to say to them that I'm comfortable with my gear and using it with men; I started feeling like a bit of a madman. Then I came across you and other transmen who haven't had genital reconstruction, who were open and proud of their decision to forego it - for whatever reason - and I felt much more confident and comfortable about my own feelings.

So, thanks for being who you are, despite all the grief you must get from small-minded persons (trans and non-trans). You're a great man with a fuckin' fabulous body. I'll probably never get to meet you, so just thought I'd send this to say thank you. :)

- RH.

Getting tattooed at Nola Tattoo

Whoever says that getting tattooed does not hurt is full of it. It hurts! But my tattoo artist buddy Walt Clark is one of my favorite’s to get tattooed by because he is fast! I have been wanting to cover up a tattoo for a while but just never had time and never in New Orleans. So since I was here it was time. Here is the gallery of the tattoo time.