This is an email I just received on my YouTube account about my Yale visit in the next day.It’s because of emails like this that it makes me so happy that I am going to speak. I often remember when I first started my work the ugly hate mail from the trans man community. So I just see how things have changed so much.
I will be posting daily from Yale( if I make it as it looks like the snow is shutting the east coast down)on my blog with pics!! Ok read the cool email below.
Dear Buck,
I am a transguy at Yale. I wanted to say thank you for performing at Yale and tell you how excited I am that you are going to be educating my fellow students. I am a big fan of your work and have showed many friends your website to explain what a transperson after testosterone (and lots of hard work) looks like. I cannot tell you how excited I was to learn that you were coming to Yale!!! I also wanted to let you know how very grateful I am that you are willing to be so open about your sexuality and status as a transman. Your example has helped me to slowly come out to my family and friends and has helped me to see how beautiful my body can one day become.
However, I am very sorry about the comments you recently received from a Yale. I found it particularly disappointing and frustrating that a fellow student would write such hurtful things. Thankfully, those sorts of people are very much the minority at Yale. I am writing in part to let you know that there are many wonderful and accepting people at Yale that have made my college experience a very loving and caring one. I adore my friends and the queer community at Yale and I hope that you have a good time when you visit. Sadly, I will not be able to attend your event because I am abroad at the Yale in London program. I wish I could be there in person Otherwise, I would have been in the front row cheering. I wish I could be there in person, but I made my friends promise to go and give me a play by play of the event. Good luck next week!!!