TSM Update
This weeks update on Transexual-Man.com features more great shots taken the last time I was in Europe of a hot tattooed pigboy, smokin' leather daddy and me. You're going to love this set!
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Buckback Mountain Review
Another great review for Buckback Mountain!!! Read it HERE
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Off to London!
San Francisco was a blast - now I'm off to London! Keep up with me on my Myspace calendar...
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Village Voice Article
Buck Shots
This week's update features more HOT shots from my recent trip to Europe... tattooed pig boys, leather daddies, smokin' hot cigars, and a syringe full of testosterone!
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Video on Demand
San Francisco
Hope everyone is doing well!
I will be in San Francisco June 19-25. I am looking for a slave while there. Please email me: buckangel@buckangel .com
First I will be speaking at the Queer Arts Festival, the event is called Transforming Community:
June 21, 7:30pm
Performance & Readings
Rainbow Room | LGBT Center
TIX: $8-$15
a link to the info
A brief description of the events intent:
TransForming Community explores the friction at the intersection of contemporary trans and queer communities. With a burgeoning transsexual community growing in tandem with a genderqueer movement, what are the issues that arise when non-trans queers share cultural space with transpeople and genderqueers? With distinctly different needs and identities, what needs to be worked out between the transsexual and genderqueer and queer communities?
An extensive question and answer session follows each performance.
Then I will be at the Good Vibrations booth at the Trans March from 3-4pm signing posters and selling my new film.
Then I will be around for Gay Pride. Not sure what I am doing but will post when I know more.
Hope to see lots of you there!!
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Fleshbot Facials
From Fleshbot:
We're all well aware of Buck Angel's unique "talents," but how does the "Man With A Pussy" feel about "Pirates of the Caribbean" star Johnny Depp? Or more importantly, what would he do to poor Johnny if given the chance? Find out this and more in our latest Fleshbot Facials installment, which we hope does not ruin any illusions you may have had about Buck being a gruff, muscle-bound stud who would give you a serious bruising just for looking at him the wrong way. After hearing him talk and laugh and say nice things about his wife, it's painfully obvious that the guy is just too nice. Don't you hate it when movie stars don't live up to your expectations?
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Back Home!!!
Wow, what a great two weeks in NYC!
But I am soooo glad to be back home in Mexico, away from all of the craziness. I did live sex shows, posed for photographers, did tons of new interviews, met with so many great people...
So many great new things coming SOON. Wanna keep track of where I am? Check out my Calendar on my MySpace page...
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Look What I've Done!
I get all kinds of cool emails. But lately I have been getting some that just blow my mind. This is one of those…
I am a 49 yr old genetic male who is going to Thailand for sex change surgery late August. Although I will have complete female anatomy, I will remain living as a man using hormone replacement therapy and whatever it will take to continue to maintain my male physique. More importantly, I have begun a diet and exercise regiment that will bulk my body and lean me out. I’m 5′6″, attractive, blue eyes, brown hair. I have been looking for someone that my body will look like. I found you on the internet and was thrilled to see another man who now has a vagina, albeit natural. I’m looking forward to my new anatomy and the uniqueness it will bring me. I’d like to talk about this with you and the many opportunities it will bring me.
AMAZING!! See I told you all that this is something that is real. I am a real man with a real pussy. There are many more variations of what I am out there like this person. My work is really helping to open doors for so many people to be who and what they have always wanted no matter what anyone thinks of us.
Go on people just be yourself and be happy! Fuck what anyone else thinks about you. It is your life and your body.
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Paper Magazine Interview
Michael Lucas Blog
"I had a problem with Buck Angel. I admit it. A “human tragedy” is what I called him back in 2005. An “ugly, bald, chubby man.” How could any self-respecting gay man possibly get turned on by this female-to-male transsexual porn star? By this vagina?"
From a post by Michael Lucas of Lucas Entertainment today on his BLOG
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Hard On
HARD ON returns to HIDDEN (100 Tinworth St, Vauxhall) on Saturday 30th of June from 10pm-6am. Entry is £15 members & £20 for guests.
This month HARD ON celebrates London Pride with an extra special party featuring the world renown BUCK ANGEL (www.buckangel.com), the 'man with a pussy', the first female to male transexual. Buck will be performing an exclusive live show with the one and only Ashley Ryder (a very talented self-fister) creating an amazing double duo performance...one bound to impress and certainly not to be missed. You have to got to see Buck Angel yourself to believe it, as he is becoming one of the worlds biggest porn stars.
Our DJs for the night will include Fat Tony, Brent Nicholls & J Tempest dropping funked up electro and tribal beats in the cruise bar. This music will also be pumped into the playroom to enhance the already hot and sexy atmosphere and so you won't miss a beat...music to fuck to! Over in the Red Room our regular DJs will be changing the music to a more uplifting trance/progressive/underground house feel, still phat, still pumping and still with an edge but not as hard. Have a listen and we are sure you going to love it as Hard On continues to evolve to bring the London gay scene up front tunes that is unique to the London gay scene.
Don't forget our outdoor deck for chilling out and cooling down as well as plenty of comfortable seating areas and dark corners to explore and play.
HARD ON is a members only club however members may bring 2 guests. Guest entry is £20. Membership forms are available at RoB, Regulation, Expectations, Fettered Pleasures, all branches of Clone Zone or download a form from our web site www.hardonclub.co.uk. Please send in your signed forms 48 before the party.
IMPORTANT!!!! We run a STRICT dress policy: Leather, Rubber, Skinhead (boots, braces, shave head, bleached jeans), Uniforms, or just your Boots. NO, and we mean NO plain jeans and trainers. Make an effort as we reserve the right to refuse admission and the right to ask you to leave if you do not adhere to this dress code and you don't want to miss out on a night like this! Changing areas and cloak rooms are available. Please see CLUB RULES for full details.
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