I got totally sick as a dog in Portland. That sucked! I was suppose to do so many things there and basically could only get myself well enough to do my talk at PSU with DARKLADY . Thanks god she was understanding. I almost went to the emergency I was so sick. I think I ate something bad on top of traveling to much, My body is exhausted. I am taking a break from travel for one month. The talk at PSU was great I got loads of great feedback and even had like 6-10 FTM guys there. COOL! Because they seem to finally be coming around more in support of my work. They hate the fact that I call my hole "pussy". But what they fail to realize is it is just a fucking word and basically I am a business man and I am selling a product. The best way to sell a product is the use of words (specially words that get people turned on). Plus I call my hole all kinds of things not just pussy..I call it, Manhole, hole, cunt, fuckhole, and even snatch sometimes! I had to cancel a shoot with THETHRILLHAMMER because I was so sick. I was looking so forward to that. But A said we could reschedule and that he was really looking forward to shooting with me. I love that people in the industry are fin ally opening up to working with me. It sucks being a pioneer! DARKLADY had a really nice meet and greet for me on the Friday that I got in. That was fun even though I was sick. Lots of nice people in Portland. I will for sure head back that way again. Sasha from bearfilms was there and we hit it off, Really HOT guy.
More bang for a buck!
Kitty took me to the gulf coast for my birthday. We went to look at some property and then off to stay the night at a cool hotel on the beach. First we stopped at the Casino "Treasure Bay" to have some dinner at this really cool pirate cove fine casual diner( whatever that means) The food was really great. I got to eat off my diet for my birthday ( I am trying to lose fat for my next video). I had a big ass steak dinner and chocolate cake. I also got to smoke my cigar during dinner which I love doing.
So after the really nice dinner we went down to the casino just for a second as we both do not like to gamble but always like to just put a dollar into a machine that has the word "Buck" on it. We have been prett lucky with those!
Walking around what do we find.."More bang for a Buck" machine!! Kitty puts a dollar in and next thing you know we walk away with $150 bucks! WOOHOO! Thats such a great sign as that is the name of my next video I am working on now.
A great birthday indeed!!