Mangina Man

I get lots of really cool emails everyday but some stand out more than others. This is a guy who has contacted me regarding my impact on him and wanting to be a porn star like me. The interesting thing is he was born bio male and is now going to Thailand to have his cock removed and a pussy put on so he can be the man he always wanted to be, a man like me.

So I have decided to cast him in a new film. He will be the first bio man with a pussy in porn. I am very excited as I know there are many men who feel like him and I have helped to open that door for them. I think there is a place for this type of man in pron and who better to bring the first man like this to porn but Buck Angel Entertainment.

Below is the email I received from him:

Hello Buck,

I wanted to tell you that you have a great site. Your look is unique and you look to have a successful career in doing this type of work.

I wanted to contact you and just talk briefly for a few moments...

Ever since I was young, I have always been an admirer of the transgendered lifestyle. Recently, (this month) I finally am going to take the plunge. I scheduled to have surgery in Thailand with Dr. Pichet for SRS. I am going to have everything removed below and have have Dr. Pichet create a vagina. The thing is I am going to live as a man...with a pussy. I have everything scheduled for March 20th, 2009. I am looking forward to being "free" down below, but living as a normally do now.

I have been looking at what it would take to generate an income with the type of website and performances you do. I find the lifestyle great and fun to be around.

For the most part I just wanted to tell you that you have been an inspiration.

For the record, I am a college-educated guy with a 4 year university degree in Business Admin. I do okay for salary ($70,000) and currently started a web development company. So, my point is that I have a good head on my shoulder and understand the direction I am going. At 35, this is the change I have needed.

I am attaching a pic so you can see...maybe we will meet some day in this business.

Take care and thank you for listening

Kindest regards

Classist Buck Angel

Ok I know that not everyone in the world loves what I do. I would be an idiot to think otherwise. But when and article is written about the trans community and how there is this absence of trans men in porn and the article features only a photo of me( which they never asked to use) and also blurbs from everyone but me I find this a bit strange.

So I made a comment on the site about why I felt there was an absence of trans men in porn.
Well then I get these comments about me that are quite funny and a bit on the fucked up side. You know it is always on these boards that these people write shit about me, they never have the balls to either email me or confront me in person and that really pisses me off. But I guess when your a pioneer you are always going to have people jealous of your achievements. And this is what it looks like to me. Here are the comments..
Also, Buck's classist "bootstraps!!!" attitude toward the trans male community has reached epically comical proportions. Dude is a self-parody.
Hear hear! I admit, being a Trans man myself, I was interested in Buck Angel when I first heard of him, but what I've seen from him --both in jpeg and in attitude-- is something I'd rather not associate with. You're right, his "bootstraps!!!" attitude is totally classist (easy to say that when you're already sitting on a modest fortune), and in all honesty, I'm just not into his whole Bear-aesthetic, either. He's a parody of what a hint of extra testosterone "will do to ya'". I can't take him seriously, not even as an adult entertainer.

Now what makes people think I am sitting on a modest fortune? And if I am then it is all from my own hard work, Why is this a bad thing? You see why I get such a bad taste in my mouth from the "ftm Community" Jesus people I do more for your community than you can even imagine and not because I want anything but because I feel like doing community service is part of being a good pioneer. Fuck maybe I will just start donating my time and money to some other org.

Please take a minute to read the article and comment if you like.

Buck Angel

Buck Angel Attitude!
Buck Angel Attitude!