Buck in the Desert!

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I got totally sick as a dog in Portland. That sucked! I was suppose to do so many things there and basically could only get myself well enough to do my talk at PSU with DARKLADY . Thanks god she was understanding. I almost went to the emergency I was so sick. I think I ate something bad on top of traveling to much, My body is exhausted. I am taking a break from travel for one month. The talk at PSU was great I got loads of great feedback and even had like 6-10 FTM guys there. COOL! Because they seem to finally be coming around more in support of my work. They hate the fact that I call my hole "pussy". But what they fail to realize is it is just a fucking word and basically I am a business man and I am selling a product. The best way to sell a product is the use of words (specially words that get people turned on). Plus I call my hole all kinds of things not just pussy..I call it, Manhole, hole, cunt, fuckhole, and even snatch sometimes! I had to cancel a shoot with THETHRILLHAMMER because I was so sick. I was looking so forward to that. But A said we could reschedule and that he was really looking forward to shooting with me. I love that people in the industry are fin ally opening up to working with me. It sucks being a pioneer! DARKLADY had a really nice meet and greet for me on the Friday that I got in. That was fun even though I was sick. Lots of nice people in Portland. I will for sure head back that way again. Sasha from bearfilms was there and we hit it off, Really HOT guy.